
WAYFIND-R Data Sharing and Collaboration Platform

Access to the platform is available to contributing WAYFIND-R Healthcare Professionals and academic researchers.

Knowledge & Resources

For all participating WAYFIND-R Healthcare Professionals and site staff, please select the button below to access the Knowledge & Resources material.

Please log in to the Data Sharing and Collaboration Platform (using the log-in button above) first to reach the Knowledge & Resources materials.

If you are participating in the WAYFIND-R registry and require access to Knowledge and Resource documentation, please contact your Clinical Research Associate or Roche Clinical Study Manager.

Independent Data Access Committee Charter

The Charter describes the membership, roles and responsibilities, authority and decision-making processes of the Independent Data Access Committee.


Master Data Sharing and Use Agreement

The Master Data Sharing and Use Agreement defines terms and conditions for data use of  WAYFIND-R registry data.