Prof. Clare Turnbull
Professor of Translational Cancer Genetics, Institute of Cancer Research,
London, UK
NHS Consultant in Clinical Cancer Genetics (Honorary), Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust,
London, UK
Consultant in Public Health Medicine (Honorary), Public Health England,
London, UK
Source: Personal archive
"I am a clinician and researcher working predominantly in inherited genetic susceptibility to cancer. Assembly of high-quality resources linking longitudinal clinical data with genomic data is challenging but important. I very much welcome the WAYFIND-R initiative, bringing these data together from across multiple countries to a common data model."
Clare is Professor of Translational Cancer Genetics in the Division of Genetics and Epidemiology at the Institute of Cancer Research. Her research spans statistical, population and public-health-related analyses of cancer epidemiology, genetic cancer susceptibility and implementation of expanded genomic testing. Undertaking germline, somatic and functional genomic studies in various tumour types, Clare has particular interest in breast cancer and testicular cancer. For five years until 2020, she was clinical lead for cancer genomics for the Genomics England 100,000 Genomes Project.
She also works with the UK genomics diagnostics laboratory community, leading CanVIG-UK (Cancer Variant Interpretation Group-UK), a national multidisciplinary network comprising >300 NHS diagnostic laboratory scientists, Clinical Geneticists and Genetic Counsellors fully representing the 24 NHS genetics centres of UK and ROI. Clare also leads BRCA-DIRECT: a CRUK-funded program to develop and pilot a digital platform to deliver BRCA testing, enabling extension of testing to all women with breast cancer.
Having trained as a Clinical Geneticist, her clinical work at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust focuses on management of patients and families with genetic susceptibility to cancer